6000 KM Road Trip

Embarking on a road trip had always been our goal since we acquired our first car back in 2009. However, between demanding work schedules and challenging road conditions, the idea remained a distant dream. It wasn't until 2023 that circumstances shifted, granting us the freedom to prioritize exploration over work commitments.

In January 2023, we finally indulged in a short but exhilarating road trip across Karnataka, spanning over 2000 kilometers. Despite the distance, the experiences we encountered along the way were nothing short of extraordinary.

Inspired by our memorable journey, we resolved to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of India's cultural and historical treasures. Our itinerary took shape, beginning with the awe-inspiring Ajantha and Ellora caves in Aurangabad, then venturing to the sacred sites of Puri and Konark along the eastern coast. From there, our route traced a path southward through Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, culminating at the southernmost tip of India, Kanyakumari, before embarking on the return journey up the western coast, passing through Kerala, Karnataka, and Goa.


To streamline our adventure and ensure a smooth travel experience, we established some guidelines for ourselves: 

·         Limit driving distance to a manageable 350 to 400 kilometers per day.

·         Opt for accommodations located near city centers for convenient access to local attractions.

·         Pre-book hotels for the next two destinations to eliminate last-minute accommodation worries.

·         Strategically plan destinations around the long weekend of January 26th to mitigate potential challenges in securing accommodations.

In preparation for our expedition, we meticulously outfitted our trusty ride, Brezza:

·         Conducted a comprehensive service, including new oils and tires, to ensure optimal performance.

·         Installed an upgraded dual dashcam for enhanced safety and the possibility of capturing spectacular footage along the journey.

·         Upgraded to a new set of headlights for improved visibility during night driving, replacing the previous ones that lacked confidence-inspiring illumination.

·         Topped off the fuel tank to embark on our adventure with a full tank of gas, ready to traverse the diverse landscapes that awaited us.



Day 1 – Mumbai to Aurangabad


The dawn of January 17 marked the beginning of our much-anticipated road trip, with Aurangabad as our first destination, approximately 350 kilometers away. Not known for our early rising habits, we hit the road between 9:30 - 10 AM, eager to embark on this adventure.


On our journey we will be driving on the new Samriddhi Mahamarg, a modern marvel of a highway that had piqued my curiosity. As we cruised along the Mumbai Nashik highway, the road unwound before us, its smooth surface promising a seamless drive.


Despite a hearty breakfast that kept hunger at bay until midday, we found ourselves passing by tempting food joints and the Ghoti road for Samriddhi Mahamarg entry. Fortunately, a lone operational food joint at a petrol pump post Sinnar provided us with a much-needed pit stop.


Once on the Samriddhi Mahamarg, I decided to test out the cruise control feature of our vehicle, a feature I had previously overlooked. Setting it at a comfortable 100 kilometers per hour, the drive became a breeze, carrying us effortlessly to our hotel in Aurangabad by 5 PM.


With the evening ahead of us, we opted for a leisurely exploration of local markets, followed by a delightful dinner featuring Turkish delicacies, marking the end of a fulfilling day.


Day 2 – Aurangabad


The morning of January 18th dawned with promises of historical exploration as we geared up to visit the iconic Ellora Caves, Kailash Temple, and Bibi ka Maqbara.


After indulging in a hearty breakfast, we embarked on the hour-long drive to Ellora. The smooth roads led us to our destination, where ample parking awaited—a rare luxury at historic sites in India.


Navigating through throngs of tourists, we engaged the services of a guide to enrich our experience at the mesmerizing UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ellora. Each cave bore witness to centuries of craftsmanship, but it was the monumental Kailash Temple that left an indelible mark on us. Having only seen it in childhood history books, witnessing its grandeur in person was a surreal experience, making it a must-visit for any history enthusiast.


After a brief respite for lunch, we proceeded to our next destination, Bibi ka Maqbara. The monument stood as a testament to architectural brilliance, its pristine white marble facade adorned with intricate carvings. While restoration efforts were evident, the monument retained much of its splendor, offering a serene escape amidst meticulously maintained gardens.


The return journey to our hotel proved to be a bit more eventful, as Google Maps led us through narrow old city roads bustling with two-wheelers. A minor bump with an elderly rider amidst bumper-to-bumper traffic served as a reminder of the chaotic charm of Indian streets.


In the evening, we treated ourselves to some local cuisine, albeit with a fiery kick that challenged our taste buds yet offered a memorable culinary experience.


Day 3 – Aurangabad to Nagpur


Buoyed by the success of our first leg, we set our sights on Nagpur as our next stop on the road to Bhubaneswar. While tempted to explore our transit points, practical considerations of time and budget prevailed.


Embarking on the journey after a hearty breakfast, we made good time thanks to our strategic choice of lodging, conveniently located near the Samriddhi Mahamarg. With cruise control engaged throughout, the drive was smooth, allowing us to marvel at the scenic vistas along the way.


A slight hiccup arose when we realized the scarcity of operational petrol pumps on the new highway, prompting a brief detour in search of fuel at Amaravathi. Although it resulted in a minor delay, it added to the unpredictable charm of road trips, where the unexpected often leads to delightful discoveries.


Arriving in Nagpur by 5 PM, we opted for a relaxed evening, unwinding over a leisurely dinner at the hotel, marking the end of another eventful day on the road.


Day 4 – Nagpur to Raipur


With breakfast behind us, we set off for today's destination: Raipur. The roads leading out of Nagpur greeted us with their familiar smoothness, yet we hit a rough patch upon entering Bhandara. Negotiating a 10-kilometer stretch took us over an hour, but once past it, the journey resumed with relative ease. However, having traversed the Samriddhi Mahamarg for the past two days, it was hard to find satisfaction in anything less.


Although our heavy breakfast sustained us, a brief stop in Rajnandgaon tempted us with a quick bite before continuing our journey. The remainder of the drive proved uneventful, save for the heavy traffic encountered upon entering Raipur. Yet, for someone accustomed to the chaotic streets of Mumbai for over a decade and a half, it posed little challenge.


We arrived at our hotel by 6 PM, and with its close proximity to a mall, we seized the opportunity to explore its culinary offerings. Our luck led us to Haldiram, a culinary delight we had yet to experience.


Day 5 – Raipur to Sambalpur


Day 5 dawned with another transit journey ahead, our sights set on Sambalpur. Covering approximately 250 kilometers, we set out later than usual, commencing our journey around 11:30 AM. Despite the late start, the drive proved uneventful, the roads offering little resistance save for the occasional tight corner dictated by Google Maps.


After a four-hour drive, we reached our hotel in Sambalpur, opting for a quick bite followed by dinner within the confines of the hotel. With little to explore, we retired for the night post-dinner, ready for the journey ahead.


Day 6 – Sambalpur to Bhubaneswar


Our destination on Day 6 lay in Bhubaneswar, a journey spanning approximately 300 kilometers from Sambalpur. Setting out around 10:30 AM, we meticulously followed Google Maps for the correct route.


Initially, our path aligned with the Sambalpur Cuttack Highway. However, after a hundred kilometers, Google Maps suggested a deviation, leading us astray for a harrowing half-hour before realizing the error. Left without much choice, we pressed on, finding solace in local snacks like samosas and Odia delicacies for lunch.


Unperturbed by our earlier mishap, we encountered another challenge when Google Maps directed us onto a narrow road, devoid of any traffic save for the occasional pothole. It proved to be a nerve-wracking experience, but we emerged unscathed, vowing never to trust narrow paths again.


Arriving at our hotel by 5 PM, we eschewed local sightseeing in favor of a quiet dinner within the confines of the hotel, bidding another eventful day farewell.


Day 7 – Bhubaneswar – Puri & Konark


On the 23rd of January, our itinerary was set to explore the revered Jagannath Temple in Puri and the magnificent Konark Sun Temple on our way back.


We commenced our journey around 10-10:15 am, reaching Puri by 11:20. However, navigating through the narrow lanes to find parking proved to be a challenge. After a brief tussle with Google Maps, we relied on our instincts and eventually found a multilevel car park with the help of some obliging traffic police. From there, we opted for an E-Rickshaw to ferry us to the temple.


Despite the newly constructed Parikrama Path being a pleasant surprise, the serenity of the queues quickly dissipated upon entering the temple. The rush was palpable, and amidst the chaos, ensuring the safety of my daughter took precedence over personal contemplation. Although the darshan wasn't as tranquil as envisioned after a two-hour wait, it was a humbling experience, nonetheless.


Following a quick lunch nearby, we embarked on the journey to Konark at 4 PM. The scenic route boasted excellent road conditions, leading us to the majestic Konark Sun Temple by 5 PM. Engaging a guide, we delved into the temple's history, marveling at its intricate carvings and timeless grandeur. Despite the fading light reminding us of the east coast's early sunsets, we immersed ourselves in the temple's splendor, capturing memories through countless photographs.


Our return journey to Bhubaneswar commenced at 7 PM, albeit with a wary eye on Google Maps after previous misadventures. Despite encountering a mix of good and rough roads, we reached our hotel by 9 PM, concluding the day with a hearty dinner and much-needed rest.


Day 8 – Bhubaneswar


After the previous day's hectic schedule, we opted for a leisurely day in Bhubaneswar, choosing to pamper our trusty Brezza with a well-deserved wash. With a quiet lunch and dinner, interspersed with some television entertainment, we embraced the tranquility of the day.


Day 9 – Bhubaneswar to Visakhapatnam


January 25 marked the ninth day of our road trip, with Visakhapatnam set as our next destination. Initially tempted by the allure of Chilika Lake, logistical constraints led us to bypass it in favor of a direct route to Visakhapatnam.


Setting out from Bhubaneswar at 10:15 AM, we were pleasantly surprised by the excellent condition of NH6, allowing for a smooth and uninterrupted drive. With only a brief pause for sustenance, we arrived at our Visakhapatnam hotel by 5 PM, opting for a relaxed evening and dinner within the comforts of our accommodation.

Day 10 – Visakhapatnam


On the auspicious occasion of Republic Day, our explorations in Visakhapatnam were centered around the Submarine Museum, with local rickshaws facilitating our travel to avoid parking hassles.


With the submarine museum scheduled for the afternoon, we spent the morning admiring the marine life at the nearby aquarium, followed by a sumptuous Andhra meal for lunch. Seeking respite from the afternoon heat, we indulged in a movie at the nearby PVR cinema.


In the evening, a leisurely stroll along the beach rounded off our day, providing a serene conclusion to our time in Visakhapatnam.

Day 11 – Visakhapatnam to Guntur


Guntur became an unexpected destination for Day 11, necessitated by the scarcity of accommodations in Machilipatnam or Vijayawada due to the Republic Day long weekend. Despite the unplanned detour, we embraced the opportunity for a new adventure.


Embarking on the 400-kilometer journey from our hotel in Visakhapatnam at 10:30 AM, we found ourselves cruising along NH6, enjoying the smooth and uneventful drive for the most part. However, upon entering Guntur, Google Maps attempted to shortcut our route through narrow lanes, a suggestion we promptly disregarded in favor of a more familiar path. Arriving at our hotel by 6 PM, we settled in for the evening, indulging in some Netflix entertainment and a satisfying dinner.

Day 12 – Guntur


With no predetermined plans for Guntur, Day 12 unfolded as a day of leisure and exploration around the vicinity of our hotel. A highlight of the day was accompanying my wife on her quest for saree shopping, where we stumbled upon local sari shops and scored some exquisite finds.


After a delightful lunch sampling local cuisine, our curiosity led us to an ice cream parlor named "Polar Bear," where we couldn't resist trying their tantalizing "seven wonders sundae," a decision we certainly didn't regret.


As the day transitioned into evening, we retreated to the comfort of our hotel for another Netflix binge session before treating ourselves to dinner at Peshawari, savoring the flavors of the North West region.

Day 13 – Guntur to Chennai


Day 13 marked our transit to Chennai, spanning approximately 450 kilometers. Following our customary routine, we departed from our hotel around 10:30 AM after a hearty breakfast.


The journey along NH6 continued to impress, with smooth roads allowing for an enjoyable drive. By 1:30 PM, we found ourselves in Nellore, where we seized the opportunity to indulge in some excellent local cuisine at one of the many renowned restaurants along the stretch.


Resuming our journey, the remainder of the drive to Chennai unfolded without incident, thanks to the excellent highway conditions. However, upon entering Chennai, the road conditions took a turn for the worse, navigating through pothole-riddled streets and maneuvering past bustling traffic before finally arriving at our hotel by 6 PM.

Day 14 – Chennai


Day 14 beckoned us to explore the historical treasures of Chennai, prompting us to leave our trusty car at the hotel and opt for an autorickshaw ride to the St. George Museum. The museum welcomed us with a plethora of artifacts, including historically significant uniforms, pottery, coin collections, and meticulously preserved paintings. Of particular note was the First National Flag, which bore witness to the historic Independence Day of August 15, 1947.


Our next stop was the iconic Santhome Cathedral, one of India's oldest and most well-preserved cathedrals. After capturing some memorable moments, we indulged in a delectable lunch at The Coastal Taste Family restaurant, savoring the exquisite flavors of fish meals accompanied by calamari fry and prawns fry.


Post-lunch, we treated ourselves to Jigarthanda before heading to Marina Beach. We probably landed on the side from where the seashore was about 10 minutes’ walk on the sand. Never seen such a wide beach till now. Despite the scorching heat, we marveled at the vast expanse of the beach, spending blissful moments by the sea before retreating to the comfort of our hotel.

Day 15 – Chennai to Tiruchirappalli


Our plans for Madurai and its surrounding attractions shifted, leading us to Tiruchirappalli instead. Setting out after breakfast, we embarked on the 330-kilometer journey via NH38, encountering smooth roads and enjoying a leisurely lunch break around 2 PM. By 5 PM, we arrived in Tiruchirappalli, ready to explore its charms.

Day 16 – Tiruchirappalli to Madurai via Rameshwaram & Dhanushkodi


Day 16 marked a highlight of our road trip, as we ventured towards Rameshwaram and Dhanushkodi, covering a distance of approximately 500 kilometers. Departing early at 10 AM, we were greeted by excellent roads and reached the iconic Pamban Bridge by 1:30 PM. Driving across this engineering marvel, surrounded by breathtaking views of the sea, was a surreal experience that surpassed all expectations. Have seen this bridge in photos & videos but finally reaching there with our own car was kind of an accomplishment.


Continuing our journey towards Dhanushkodi, we were captivated by the ethereal beauty of the tranquil beaches flanking the road. Arriving at the end of Dhanushkodi by 2:30 PM, we were spellbound by the mesmerizing scenery, capturing countless selfies and photos at the designated selfie point, adorned by the Ashok Stambh.


Our onward journey to Madurai at 3:30 PM was accompanied by a change in weather, but we pressed on, eventually reaching our destination after a fulfilling day of exploration. With the road behind us and memories to cherish, we concluded the day with a satisfying dinner at the hotel.

Day 17 – Madurai

Day 17 saw us embarking on a spiritual journey to the renowned Meenakshi Amman Temple, the centerpiece of Madurai's cultural heritage. Opting for a cab from our hotel, we arrived at the temple around 11 AM, greeted by the grandeur of its architectural splendor. Thanks to the special darshan pass, our wait for the darshan of Meenakshi Amman and Sundareswara Swami was significantly reduced, yet it still took us about an hour and a half to complete our visit. The temple, with its four majestic Rajagopurams towering above, stood as a testament to ancient craftsmanship and devotion.


The scorching afternoon sun of Madurai proved to be quite challenging, prompting us to retreat to our hotel via autorickshaw after ensuring we quenched our thirst with the famous Jigar Thanda. The remainder of the evening was spent recuperating from the heat, indulging in a hearty dinner at the hotel, and eagerly anticipating the adventures that lay ahead.

Day 18 – Madurai to Thiruvananthapuram via Kanyakumari


On Day 18, our journey southward continued, with Thiruvananthapuram as our ultimate destination via the picturesque town of Kanyakumari. Setting out from Madurai at 10:30 AM, we traversed the Srinagar-Kanyakumari highway, relishing the smooth ride and the scenic views along the way.


After a 250-kilometer drive, we reached Kanyakumari, where we indulged in a satisfying lunch before embarking on our exploration of the southernmost tip of India. Parking our car at the Government Car Park, we ventured on foot to witness the iconic Swami Vivekananda Memorial and Thiruvalluvar Statue. The cool breeze and breathtaking views of the Triveni Sangam, where the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, and Bay of Bengal converge, left an indelible mark on our memories.


While time constraints prevented us from taking a boat ride to the Vivekananda Memorial, the pride of reaching Kanyakumari in our own car was unmatched. Departing at 4 PM, we commenced our journey towards Thiruvananthapuram, a distance of 93 kilometers. However, the deteriorating road conditions in Kerala, coupled with the daring maneuvers of state transportation bus drivers, made for a challenging drive.


Arriving at our hotel by 7 PM, we ventured out to explore some local eateries, where we were treated to delectable parotta and mutton curry, a fitting end to an eventful day of travel.

Day 19 – Thiruvananthapuram


On the 4th of February, our 19th day on the road proved to be both exhilarating and hectic as we immersed ourselves in the cultural and natural wonders of Thiruvananthapuram.


Our day commenced with a visit to the iconic Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, where we were aided by the invaluable guidance of our friendly autorickshaw driver, Sasi. Despite the absence of paid darshan passes, the temple's long queue was efficiently managed, affording us the opportunity to explore its majestic architecture at a leisurely pace. Following our darshan, Sasi led us to a delightful local seafood restaurant, where we indulged in Kerala's culinary delights.


Our adventure continued as we embarked on a backwater ride in Poovar, marveling at the serene beauty of Kerala's waterways and encountering vibrant avian life along the route. I managed to click Golden Eagle and this was one of my favourite clicks at the ride. A stop at the idyllic Gold Sand Beach provided a welcome respite, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the pristine surroundings.


Next, we visited the awe-inspiring Aazhimala Shiva Temple, perched majestically atop a hill overlooking the sea. The breathtaking views and spiritual ambiance left an indelible impression on our hearts.

Our journey concluded with a visit to the Attukal Bhagvathy Temple, where we were treated to a divine darshan and traditional Kerala folk dance performances.


As we made our way back to the hotel, I seized the opportunity to capture the majestic Gopuram of the Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, a cherished memento of our unforgettable day.


In the evening, we savored the flavors of Middle Eastern cuisine, adding another culinary gem to our Kerala experience.

Day 20 – Thiruvananthapuram to Kozhikode


Day 20 marked our transit to Kozhikode, but what awaited us was a grueling journey fraught with challenges. Departing from Thiruvananthapuram at 10:30 AM, we braced ourselves for a 400-kilometer drive that would test our endurance.


Navigating through the unforgiving terrain of NH66, we encountered treacherous road conditions exacerbated by reckless state transportation buses. Despite our best efforts, progress was slow, and we found ourselves reliant on local snacks to fuel our journey.


A tea break near Thrissur provided a brief respite before we plunged into the darkness of the night, facing the daunting prospect of navigating the perilous NH66. A series of missteps guided by Google Maps led to a harrowing ordeal, culminating in a five-hour nonstop journey through the night.


Finally arriving at our hotel in Kozhikode at 11:15 PM, we breathed a collective sigh of relief, grateful for the safe passage despite the challenges encountered along the way. This leg of our journey served as a stark reminder of the unpredictability of travel, leaving us with a newfound appreciation for the comforts of our destination.

Day 21 – Kozhikode


On the 7th of February, we opted for a slower-paced exploration of Kozhikode, allowing ourselves to recuperate from the trials of our previous day's journey. Giving our trusty car a well-deserved rest, we embarked on a leisurely stroll through the vibrant streets of the city.


A mere 10-minute walk from our hotel led us to the tranquil shores of Kozhikode Beach, where we found respite in the gentle sea breeze and the shade of swaying palms. The calm waters and inviting ambiance provided the perfect backdrop for an afternoon of relaxation and indulgence. Savoring creamy scoops of ice cream, we reveled in the simple joys of seaside living.


For lunch, we ventured into a local eatery, eager to sample the flavors of Kerala cuisine. Our culinary adventure continued at "Bhaskarettante Sarbath Shop," where we delighted in the refreshing sweetness of their signature Milk Sarbath—a true testament to Kozhikode's culinary prowess.


In the evening, we embarked on a gastronomic journey to Paragon Restaurant, renowned for its delectable offerings. Amidst the lively ambiance, we savored succulent kebabs and fragrant chicken biryani, each bite a symphony of flavors. Our culinary odyssey culminated with the divine indulgence of coconut pudding and caramel custard, leaving our taste buds tingling with delight.


Returning to our hotel, we made a final pitstop at "Bhaskarettante Sarbath Shop" for a refreshing sip of lime soda, a fitting end to our day of culinary exploration.

Day 22 – Kozhikode to Mangalore


Day 22 marked our journey from Kozhikode to Mangalore, a 250-kilometer stretch fraught with the uncertainties of NH66. Departing at 10:30 AM, we braced ourselves for another arduous drive along the infamous highway.


True to expectations, NH66 presented us with its characteristic challenges, as we navigated through dilapidated roads and slow-moving traffic. Despite a tempting detour suggested by Google Maps, a fortuitous closure forced us back onto the main route, adding an unexpected hour to our journey.


With no respite in sight, we pressed on, foregoing breaks and enduring the relentless journey without pause. After more than 8 hours of relentless driving, we finally reached our destination in Mangalore, weary but relieved to have conquered the formidable highway once more.


As evening descended, we sought solace in the familiar embrace of Mangalore, finding comfort in the nostalgia of past adventures. Dinner at Ideal Café brought back cherished memories, with each spoonful of Gadbad serving as a sweet reminder of journeys past and the enduring resilience of the road-tripper's spirit.

Day 23 – Mangalore to Goa


On the 8th of February, our journey took us from the coastal city of Mangalore to the vibrant beaches of Goa. Departing at 10:30 AM, we set out on NH66, a stretch renowned for its relatively smoother conditions in Karnataka.


By midday, we found ourselves at Maravanthe Beach, a serene haven where the sea meets the road in a breathtaking display of natural beauty. Spending time exploring the coastline and capturing the scenic vistas, we immersed ourselves in the tranquil ambiance of this unique destination.


Continuing our journey, we reached Ankola by 2:30 PM, where we indulged in a hearty Kannada lunch, fueling ourselves for the remaining drive to Goa. Navigating through occasional congestions on the Goan roads, we arrived at our hotel in Calangute by 6:30 PM, ready to unwind and savor the charms of this coastal paradise.

Days 24, 25, 26 – Goa


The next three days in Goa offered us a blissful respite from the road, allowing us to bask in the sun-kissed shores and laid-back atmosphere of this popular destination. While our plans to visit Vengurla were deferred, we made the most of our time in Goa, relishing beachside lunches at quaint shacks and indulging in the rich flavors of Goan cuisine at local eateries.

Day 27 – Goa to Mumbai


Day 27 marked the final leg of our epic road trip, as we embarked on the journey back home to Mumbai, covering a distance of 600 kilometers. Departing Goa at 10:30 AM, our first stop was our native village of Vetore, where we paused to pay homage at local temples and reconnect with our roots.


Resuming our journey at 1:45 PM, we savored a delectable lunch at a roadside eatery, savoring the flavors of 'Oly Kajuchi Usal' and 'Amboli,' a culinary delight that left a lasting impression.


Navigating through the picturesque Anuskura Ghat and reaching Karad by evening, we indulged in a leisurely dinner at Kailas Bhel, a popular stop along the Pune-Bangalore Highway. Energized and eager to reach our final destination, we pressed on, cruising along the Mumbai-Pune Expressway and arriving home well before 1 AM, bringing our 6000-kilometer odyssey to a triumphant conclusion.

Finally the Hero of the Road Trip

I hope this will inspire you for a delightful Road Trip.

Cheers !!!


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