Alexa to the help

I wanted to help my daughter with the maths multiplication tables, but it gets painful when you repeat it again & again :( I was thinking of creating something with Bot Framework or Cortana skills, but those does not seems to be fit for purpose due to my previous experiences. Then comes Amazon Echo, and Alexa seems more promising. Decided to create an Alexa skill so that daughter can invoke it and ask for the maths table by herself. First thing we need is Amazon Alexa skill developer account. Head to below url & register for your account. Once registered, we can create a new Alexa skill. Creating skill is a step by step process. 1. Skill Information In skill info, we need to select Languages to support. Also the Name & Invocation Name for the skill. 2. Interaction Model Next is the Interaction model. Here we have to configure our intent & sample utterances. These are the sentences which we are suppose to s...